Unraveling the Secret Emotions Behind Your Money Habits


Handling money isn’t just about what’s in your wallet or bank account. It goes deeper, touching the unspoken feelings we hold about wealth and spending. Sometimes, these feelings can make us choose one financial path over another without even realizing it. Dr. Alex Melkumian suggests that to master our finances, we should first decode these hidden emotions.

Dr. Bradley Klontz takes this a step further by introducing the term “money scripts.” These are like silent guidelines in our mind, formed from lessons and observations from our past. Here’s a peek into a couple of these “money scripts”:

  1. Money Avoidance: Here, people have a subtle discomfort with accumulating wealth. They might link having more money with negative behaviors. Klontz believes that to navigate past this, it’s beneficial to find and learn from affluent individuals who positively impact their community.
  1. Money Worship: Some believe that money holds the solution to every problem, equating higher wealth with a better life. But does money guarantee happiness? Klontz suggests looking beyond the price tags and focusing on experiences and objects that bring true, lasting happiness.

Want to delve deeper into the world of money scripts and recognize the ones shaping your decisions? [Dive in here for the full list.]


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